Safety Precautions in Yacht Tours

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Blue cruise has become one of the increasingly popular holiday options in recent years. There are many reasons for this. Being an option away from stress and crowds is one of the main reasons for choosing boat tours in this sense. In addition, the gradual decrease in costs and offering a different experience also bring yacht tours to the fore. At the same time, having the chance to see different natural and historical places has made this holiday option more and more popular with each passing day.

Boat tours are highly preferred, with many advantages and a unique experience. There is an important question at this point. The question of how safe yacht tours are is frequently asked by users. The idea of having a holiday completely at sea can sometimes be met with anxiety. Safety is an important issue, especially for families with children.

Many rules and rules have been determined by state institutions in order to make yacht tours. If these precautions are taken and you follow the safety rules, you are unlikely to have any problems at sea. At this point, security measures can be examined under three separate headings. The first is the security measures on the yacht, the second is the rules that the guests must obey and pay attention to, and the last one is the precautions to be taken against the risks that may occur due to the climatic conditions.

Safety Precautions Taken on Yachts

Safety is the most important issue on yachts where every detail is considered for the comfort of the guests. There are many precautions to be taken on yachts in order to organize a blue cruise. These measures are periodically inspected by state authorities.

Life jackets are at the forefront of the measures taken on boat tours. Having enough life jackets in case of a problem is a must. In addition, it is a must to have first aid kits with sufficient equipment on the boats. Another indispensable security measure is the notification of danger signals. There are devices that can send messages universally to ask for help in case of an accident in the middle of the sea. At the same time, vehicles such as flares and manual horns are also available on these yachts to be used in times of need. At the same time, it is kept in a certain area on boats in boats that inflate by themselves when thrown into the sea.

Another precaution is that all personnel know and apply the safety procedure to the letter. In case of a possible accident, there are water-proof lanterns for passengers to use. In addition, there are fire blankets and fire extinguishers on the yacht where everyone can reach.

Seasickness is one of the most common problems. Necessary medicines against seasickness, which causes discomfort such as nausea and dizziness, are available on every yacht.

It is also an important safety measure to make the engines and technical equipment of these boats regularly. At the same time, spares are also available for these technical parts in case of deterioration. Taking more fuel than necessary as a precaution before going on a boat tour is another precaution.

Precautions to be Followed by Guests

Security measures are applied in line with yacht tours. The staff knows all the safety procedures and intervenes in possible accidents. However, there are some rules that guests must follow. These rules are extremely important for your health.

The first thing you should do when you get on the boat should be to learn the location of life jackets and fire extinguishers from the personnel on duty. This will prevent you from panicking in an emergency.

Tobacco consumption is prohibited in cabins and cabins on boat tours. This is one of the rules that you must follow in particular. While free on deck, you must make sure that tobacco products are completely extinguished and that you do not throw them overboard. Remember that wind can cause butts to fall back onto the yacht. This will create the risk of fire.

Another point you should pay attention to is that you should definitely not jump while the yacht is in motion. The propellers will continue to spin before the yacht anchors. When you jump into the sea, you may come across these propellers. This creates a risk that could result in serious injury. At the same time, you should not touch the ropes and equipment on the yacht, which only the expert personnel are aware of, do not enter the engine room and stay away from the cables. Windy and stormy weather seriously affects the posture of yachts. For this reason, you should be careful not to be on the deck when the weather is bad.

Weather Based Safety Precautions

Yat turlarında önemli konulardan biri de hava şartlarıdır. İnsan iradesinin tamamen dışında olması nedeniyle hava şartlarına bağlı olarak önlem almanız gerekir. Yat personeli hava durumuna ilişkin tüm değişimleri takip etmektedir. Özellikle ciddi bir fırtına çıkma ihtimalinde, personel yatı güvenli bir alana götürerek demirleyecek ya da en uygun limana gidecektir. Bu tip bir durumla karşılaştığınızda hava durumu değişine ve yat personeli havanın güvenli olduğuna karar verene kadar tüm önerilerine uymalısınız. 

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